31 March 2008

Mon 31 Mar

I could really identify with the Eye Contact comic. I'm afraid you may have learned that (lack of) skill from your mom - it's never been one of my strong points to maintain eye contact.


7:00 am 3/4 c Vanilla Nut cereal, 4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 5 oz strawberries, coffee
11:45 am Small banana sliced in 2 oz light vanilla soy milk, chocolate soy shake, 1/2 blueberry scone
3:15 pm Popcorn ball
7:00 pm 4 oz pineapple juice, 1 c Zatarain's rice, 3 oz chicken, 4 oz pineapple rings, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1 mini Reester bunny


5:15-6:05 pm Pilates mat

30 March 2008

Sun 30 Mar

Ah, Sunday! The day I need to fit in a Brutal ballet workout and see if my voice will make it through an entire choir practice. We'll see!


8:15 am 1/2 cinnamon scone, 6 oz OJ
12:00 pm 2 crepes, 1/2 c sliced bananas, coffee
4:10 pm 4.5 oz fresh strawberries
4:45 pm 3 oz pork roast, 3/4 c sweet potato custard, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk
5:15 pm 1 oz Lindt dark chocolate bunny (head)
8:15 pm 1/4 c peanut butter M&Ms


3:15-4:05 pm Brutal ballet DVD

29 March 2008

Sat 29 Mar

Suzuki marathon this morning - we'll see if I can sing. Voice is still not 100%. But sun is shining, so the day must be okay. Bob and I are planning to go eat lunch with Grandma at her building today. I'll invite Michael but I don't expect he'll be too excited about it.

Had lunch at Grandma's, Michael included. Food wasn't bad and she was really glad to have all of us.


8:15 am 1/2 cinnamon scone, 6 oz OJ, strawberry/banana soy shake
10:30 am 1 large frosted sugar cookie
12:00 pm Chicken thigh/wing, 1/2 c mashed potatoes w/2 tbl gravy, 1/2 c steamed carrots, 8 oz OJ, 1.5x1.5 in peanut butter Rice Krispie square w/chocolate frosting
1:45 pm 1/4 c peanut butter M&Ms
8:00 pm 12 oz light vanilla soy milk
8:30 pm 3/4 c sweet potato custard


5:35-6:15 pm Denise Austin Power Yoga Plus video (borrowed from Mary Hofer) (20 min yoga, 20 min Pilates)

28 March 2008

Fri 28 Mar

Yay, Friday! I have to sit through a boring meeting this morning, but having applied for the other job helps me to realize I may not have to sit through many more of these so it won't be so bad.

Sending out the check for $489 today for your tablet. Have you gotten the payment info yet for Victoria's Secret? The bill has not turned up.

Did you find anything on the VS site re: how to make a payment on the $25.85 if we don't have the paper bill? Sorry, I really intended to pay the bill for you as part of your Easter present. Maybe I'll try to slip you $25 extra for your birthday. Speaking of which..... any ideas what you'd like?


7:00 am 1/2 c Heritage granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 6 oz OJ, coffee
11:30 am Vanilla soy shake, 1/2 blueberry scone
3:30 pm 2 mini-Reester bunnies
6:30 pm 3 oz porketta roast, 1 small potato, 1/2 c carrots, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk, icebox cheesecake


5:00-5:55 pm Step DVD w/weight section

27 March 2008

Thurs 27 Mar

Less than a month til Laura's birthday! And snow is slowly melting away! Good things to come!

I get a free lunch from Applebee's today. They're sending over free lunches for our whole unit for National Social Workers Month. One of my coworkers knows the manager and they want to do a "community" thing, so this is their idea. Works for me!


7:00 am Strawberry/banana soy shake, 6 oz OJ, coffee
12:15 pm Large helping salad, 1/4 c chow mein noodles, 1/4 c slivered almonds, 4 oz grilled chicken breast, small slice German chocolate cake
3:00 pm 1 Banana granola bite

26 March 2008

Wed 26 Mar

Too bad I didn't think of Hobbes as an option when they came around with the birth certificate in the hospital, huh? Oh, well.


7:00 am 1/2 c Heritage granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 6 oz OJ, coffee
11:45 am Medium banana sliced in 2 oz light vanilla soy milk, chocolate soy shake, 1/2 blueberry scone
3:15 pm 100 calorie espresso cookies
3:45 pm Mini-box raisins
4:45 pm 1 Reese's egg
7:30 pm 2.5 oz ham, 1 tbl rhubarb sauce, 1/2 c baked corn, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk


5:25-6:15 Ball/band DVD, level B

25 March 2008

Tues 25 Mar

Mary worked on my feet again last night and when she was done, my toes were straighter! Unfortunately, they're back to their old bends this morning, but it was cool to see them straight for awhile. Like someone else's feet.


7:00 am 1/2 c Heritage granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 6 oz OJ, coffee
11:45 pm 1/2 raspberry scone, med/large banana sliced w/2 oz light vanilla soy milk, vanilla soy shake
2:30 pm 100 calorie pack espresso cookies


4:50-5:50 pm Pilates mat (didn't wuss out on the pushups today!)

24 March 2008

Mon 24 Mar

Well, I'm hoping a day of mostly rest yesterday was the tonic to start back toward feeling well again. I hate not having worked out since last Tuesday, but I haven't had the energy and don't want to invite injury by pushing when I shouldn't. My body has been saying, "Rest me!" Hardly talked all day yesterday, so don't know the status of my voice yet.

I forgot to mention Saturday that the bill for your tablet just arrived last week. I believe you planned to pay half? How do you want to do this? Also the VS bill for your pretty bra came - I'll pay that as your Easter present.

Ooooh, bad afternoon for chocolate. Must stop this right away!

Double ooooh! But this time, I'm proud of myself. Not only did I work out, I made it through Brutal Ballet!!!!


7:00 am 1/2 c Harvest granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 6 oz OJ, coffee
11:45 am Hot cross bun, strawberry/banana soy shake
2:00 pm 1/4 peanut butter M&Ms
3:30 pm 2 Nestle caramel eggs, 2 Nestle caramel Treasures
6:15 pm 2 oz pork ribs, 3/4 c bean casserole, 2 oz orange jello, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk

5:10-6:00 pm Brutal ballet DVD

23 March 2008

Easter Sunday

Well, there was no doubt I couldn't cantor today. I couldn't not join in the singing at Vigil last night, and I had hoped that if I sang gently, it would warm me up enough to fill in the holes in my range, but instead it went from bad to worse. The second half, I could only sing tenor. I was able to find Deb afterward and beg off entirely as I'm sure it wasn't good for my voice and it sure wasn't pretty. But it was nice to sleep in til 9 today!

Also, Grandma is happy to partake of the nice ham dinner at Oakridge today and seems satisfied that we decided not to go to brunch. That means I have no outside commitments today since they cancelled choir practice on Easter, so maybe I can get plenty of rest and a good workout and maybe even a nap today! HAPPY EASTER!!!

Stayed up about 1 hr 15 min, then went back to bed for another 2 1/2 hrs. Looks like rest and laundry are the main things today, but I still haven't ruled out a workout if I can later. Seems like a good day for complete rest. Got out the Harry Potter CDs and only get up to change laundry loads and eat.


9:00 am 4.5 oz apple muffin, 6 oz OJ
10:00 am 1/4 c Peanut Butter M&M eggs
2:15 pm 100 g ham w 1 tbl rhubarb sauce, 3/4 c honey carrots, 3/4 c cheesy potatoes, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk
4:45 pm Icebox cheesecake
7:00 pm Hot cross bun, chocolate soy shake
8:30 pm 2 oz chocolate bunny

22 March 2008

Sat 22 Mar

Hope we get to see you today - that the snow yesterday won't deter your ability to come! Your Easter basket is waiting for you, and dinner is in stages of preparation. It will be nice if Jenna can join us. We didn't get the snow up here, so that won't be a factor for her.

Sure was nice to celebrate with you - and Megumi, Yoshi, and Yuki, too! Hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did.


7:30 am 1/2 caramel pecan roll, 6 oz OJ
1:00 pm 3 oz ham, 1 c cheesy potatoes, 3/4 c bean casserole, 1/2 c honey carrots, 1/2 c baked corn, 1 Jello egg, 1 crescent roll, 8 oz light vanilla soy milk, 6 oz cherry wine
5:15 pm 1 mini-Reester bunny
10:45 pm 1 small frosted sugar cookie, 6 oz apple juice

21 March 2008

Fri 21 Mar - Good Friday

Will be interesting to see how the 11 am rehearsal goes - whether I'll be able to sing the Requiem. Still not sure how I'll sound. I could sing all the music at Holy Thursday service last night (Jesus Took A Towel ..._) BTW, Bob Kase accompanied with some awesome improv on trumpet.

Didn't have the time to fit in the Good Friday walk - had to do grocery shopping, assemble Easter baskets, have supper prior to 6:15 pm call for the evening performance of Rutter Requiem. And I'm seriously considering a quick nap and save the Jello egg-making for tonight. Snow has been very light, on-and-off all day. No accumulation as yet. Sorry to hear you appear to be getting much worse, and hope it doesn't make travel difficult for tomorrow. Have you touched base with Megumi yet?


7:45 am 1/2 caramel pecan roll, 8 oz OJ, coffee
11:00 am Herbal tea
12:15 pm Strawberry/banana soy shake
1:00 pm Herbal tea
5:15 pm 4 Arbuckle's cheese fries, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk

20 March 2008

Thurs 20 Mar

First day of spring - hah! Maybe someday, though?

Yeah, we went to Al's. Wish I could have brought you home some Swedish pancakes and lingonberries. No goats on the snow, though.

Got home about 2 pm and made quinoa salad for the Holy Thursday potluck. I have clean feet!

Got an email from Desmond today! He and Su will be visiting the area in mid-May. Maybe we can arrange to have you home to visit with them.


10:00 am 1 1/4 c oatmeal, 1/4 c cherries, 2 tbl granola, 1 tbl brown sugar, 1 tbl raisins, 2 oz skim milk, 1 oz strawberry coffeecake, coffee
1:00 pm 1/2 raspberry scone, coffee
4:30 pm 12 oz light vanilla soy milk
6:30 pm 1 chicken drumstick, 1 stuffed shell, 1/4 c lasagna casserole, 1/2 c quinoa salad, 1/2 c green salad w/apples and slivers of beef, 1/4 c bean casserole, 1 c rice pudding, 1 peanut butter rice krispie bar, 8 oz 1% milk, 3 oz sangria

19 March 2008

Wed 19 Mar

Cold feels a little worse this morning - oh, well. I tried to sing the Rutter with the recording yesterday. I have my high notes back, and the low notes are okay, but there's a large bridge from about B to E that comes and goes. Still remains to be seen if I'll be able to sing on Friday. More notes in the range today - yay!


8:00 am 8 oz OJ
10:15 am 1 1/2 granola pancake w/1 tbl margarine, 1/4 c maple syrup, coffee
1:00 pm Vanilla soy shake
7:00 pm 1 pc Kavli multigrain w/lingonberries, salad w/2 tbl bleu cheese dressing, 3 oz pan-fried perch, 1/2 c green beans w/slivered almonds, 1/2 c boiled red potatoes w/dill
8:30 pm Hot cross bun


11:00 am Climbed the Peninsula Park tower

18 March 2008

Tues 18 Mar

Dreary looking day out there - might be a little snow coming but no one seems to know. Yesterday just flew by. Finished rereading Deathly Hallows, worked out, ate good food. Everyone seems to be doing fine. Hope you are too!

No, I didn't see the speech - haven't been near the TV yet today. If that's a link to a recording, I'll watch it when I'm not sitting at the front desk computer (since the guest computer is offline). I assume it was a good speech? I see W on the TV in the lobby lounge as we speak - won't bother to see what he's saying.

Boy, White Gull sure cut down the portions on their oatmeal. We've taken to getting a half order because a full order with all the trimmings usually overflowed the bowl. The half order, trimmings included, barely came 40% of the way up the sides of the dish.

Well, I haven't seen the speech but I read a fairly complete article on it, and there sure has been plenty of commentary on the news programs when I've wandered through the rooms where they are playing. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, positively or negatively. The summary of the speech sounded like some very good rhetoric.


8:00 am 8 oz OJ
10:00 am 1/2 c oatmeal, 2 tbl granola, 1/4 c cherries, 1 tbl brown sugar, 2 oz skim milk, about 1 oz coffee cake (split a piece 5 ways)
12:30 pm 1/2 caramel pecan roll, 8 oz OJ, 2 tbl plum wine cheese spread on about 6 wheat thins
7:15 pm 3 oz rotisserie ribs, 1/2 c mashed potatoes, 1 1/2 c fruit salad, sm pc cake


4:15-5:30 pm 10 min weights, 30 min treadmill, stretching, leg lifts

17 March 2008

St. Patrick's Day

I was the first one up (7:30 am), so I came out to the lobby/computer after my shower. Don't know if anyone else is stirring yet. I'll check out the weightlifting site later as some kids are looking to get on the computer soon.


8:30 am Coffee. 8 oz OJ
10:00 am 1/1/3 granola pancake, 2 tsp margarine, 1/4 c maple syrup, coffee
2:00 pm 8 oz OJ, 1/2 cream cheese pastry, 1 raspberry scone, banana
6:30 pm 4 oz ruby cabernet, 3 oz ham w/whiskey sauce, 3/4 c mashed parsnips, 1/2 c scalloped potatoes w/cheese


5:10-6:10 pm 20 min hand weights, 40 min Pilates mat

16 March 2008

First day of Door Co Spring Break

Well, wish us luck that we all have a good time and get along well with Hannah and Grandma in tow. I think it will be fine. We hope to get on the road by about 10. Then we can have lunch in Appleton en route and get to the hotel around normal check-in time.

Hope your spring break is relaxing, fun, and everything you would like it to be! Wish you were with us, but we'll be thinking of you fondly.

We're here! Car was REALLY cramped with 5 people and all our stuff. Everybody but the driver had stuff underfoot and in laps. Michael and Hannah are in the pool. Sun is shining beautifully. I need to exercise, either now or possibly after a grocery run for beverages.


7:15 am Strawberry/banana soy shake, 1/2 grapefruit
11:45 am 1 c Olive garden salad, breadstick, 3 oz chicken breast w/apricot sauce, 3 pc broccoli, 1 asparagus spear, tomatoes, sliver chocolate cake w/white frosting
7:00 pm Pint of Spotted Cow ($1-!!!),chips and salsa,1 (excellent!) chicken tamale, little bit of Mexican rice and beans


5:00-5:50 pm 12 min hand weights work (only 5 lb, mom's not in your league), 30 min treadmill

15 March 2008

Sat 15 Mar

Spring break is finally here! We leave for Door County tomorrow. Dad's birthday, so we'll celebrate when we get there. Hannah is coming with us, so Michael will be rooming with Grandma so she can have the couch.

I'm hoping to get my voice back fairly soon. I'm supposed to sing the Rutter Requiem with the Ecumenical choir on Good Friday and group cantor at Newman on Easter Sunday. I still can't croak out a note to save my soul.

Got a few scratchy notes out at church tonight - Praise the Lord! Maybe I'll get my voice back by Friday.


8:10 am 1/2 c Raspberry Heritage granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 1/2 grapefruit, Throat Coat tea
10:00 am Piece of chocolate
12:30 pm Chocolate soy shake, slice fresh-baked banana bread, 1 tsp margarine
2:00 pm Banana bread (no margarine)
6:30 pm Small order Whole Wheat Tuscan Pasta at Noodles, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk

14 March 2008

Fri 14 Mar

Feeling a bit better today, have a partial voice and can even croak out a musical note (though whether it's musical is a matter of question). The last two days if I tried to produce any kind of a tone, nothing came out at all, so this is progress.

It was really nice to chat with you last night. Wish we had more time together... sigh!

Oh, what fun to try to talk on the phone or meet with people at work with half a voice!


7:00 am 1 1/4 c Total Cranberry Crunch, 4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee
11:45 am Vanilla soy shake, pear
2:00 pm Butterscotch hard candy (for cough)
2:30 pm Lemon Creme Hershey kiss (don't bother, not that great)
5:00 pm Miniature mint 3 Musketeers
6:30 pm 1/2 Bellatoria Roasted Vegetable pizza, 8 oz light vanilla soy milk
8:20 pm Banana


7:15-8:00 pm Power Shaping DVD

13 March 2008

Thurs 13 Mar

Hope you made it safely and relatively uneventfully to Seattle. Hope you're already having a great time!

Had a Foot Reflexology from Mary yesterday at the Wellness Spa. Ahhhh! She told me there might be some "health effects" afterward, including possibly increased congestion, etc. Probably from releasing toxins from the muscles - they have to go somewhere so they're possibly running loose in the bloodstream? Anyway, I'm not sure if that was the case or my cold is just continuing to get worse because I no longer have a voice. I'm not resting well at night, so it doesn't seem worth it to stay home from work to rest. Michael stayed home one day, slept a good portion of the day, and was fine thereafter. I don't think I could sleep during the day if I haven't really been able to sleep at night. And I can hardly taste food, so I haven't been eating my full calorie count for a couple of days, but I just can't make myself eat more. My scale is finally down under 140 (huzzah!), but I don't know if it's for real or because I'm sick.

Decided it would be better to stay home and rest today, especially since I have almost no usable voice. Laying in bed listening to Jim Dale read The Half-Blood Prince so I can relax.


7:00 am 1 1/4 c Total Cranberry Crunch, 4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 6 oz OJ, coffee
12:45 pm Strawberry/banana soy shake, toasted English muffin w/2 tsp margarine
2:45 pm 1/2 grapefruit
8:45 pm 2 pc multigrain bread, 1 oz swiss cheese, 57 g shaved honey turkey, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk, 6 ox OJ


6:00-6:50 pm Belly dancing intro class
7:00-8:00 pm Yoga intro class

12 March 2008

Travel Day 1

Thanks - I've never done the Expedia thing, so I hope I've got everything I need. Otherwise this is going to be a real short trip...

Food today:
7:50a - 2 shredded wheat biscuits and light vanilla soy milk

Wed 12 Mar

Hey, the day is here! Have an excellent time in Seattle and enjoy yourself! Love ya!

Go, Go, Han Solo! Do the airport check-in thing online if you can. Really saves time at the airport.


7:00 am 1 1/4 c Total Cranberry Crunch, 4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee
11:45 am Vanilla soy shake, pear
3:00 pm Banana split granola bite
6:30 pm 3/4 c whole wheat spaghetti, 1/2 c Prego w/4 oz hamburger, green pepper, onion, 3/4 c green beans, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk

11 March 2008

Tues 11 Mar

Well, bro looks a little better today and is at least off to school this morning. Whether he makes it through the day remains to be seen. I'm about the same, just kind of dragging along, hoping for the occasional energy spurt.

Hope you're all ready and excited for Seattle tomorrow. We'll all be thinking of you and hoping it's a great time. Email with details whenever you can find time.


7:00 am Total Cranberry Crunch w/4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee
11:45 am Chocolate soy shake, small banana sliced in 2 oz light vanilla soy milk
2:00 pm 1 Nestles Treasure caramel-filled chocolate
2:30 pm 1 Banana Split granola bite
3:45 pm 1 butterscotch hard candy (scratchy throat therapy)
6:00 pm 3 oz pork chop, 1/2 c mashed potatoes, 50 g green pepper sticks, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk
9:00 pm 1 Betty Crocker Ultimate Fudge truffle (sample for tomorrow's bake sale), 8 oz OJ


5:45-6:35 pm Pilates mat

10 March 2008

Mon 10 Mar

Last week before spring break -- yay! Unfortunately, bro caught the cold and yuks and is staying home from school today. Hopefully we'll all be healthy before break. I discovered last night that my Actifed is seriously outdated and diminished in potency, so buying fresh stuff is definitely on today's to-do list.

Kind of sad when you have to make yourself eat M&Ms to get your calories up to the daily recommended level. Nothing tastes like much with this cold, so I don't have a great desire to eat.

Didn't manage to exercise today because I switched Suzuki lessons with Michael and stayed late to photocopy music and assemble binders for him and his accompanist for senior recital. We're hoping to schedule it late Nov/early Dec.


7:00 am 1/2 c GingerZing granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee
11:45 am Vanilla soy shake, small banana sliced w/2 oz light vanilla soy milk
8:00 pm 2 cheese manicotti, 1/2 c Prego, 1/2 oz shredded mozzarella, 1/2 c steamed corn, 12 oz light vanilla soy mik
8:30 pm 1/4 c M&Ms

09 March 2008

Sun 9 Mar

Bad cold - Zicam didn't seem to help - surprise, surprise! Hope you didn't catch anything from me before your Seattle trip.

I was pleased with myself for making it through Brutal Ballet even though I'm not up to snuff. I had to take one break in the middle of the killer plie series and another at my usual point during the change mas, and I maybe did things with a little less energy, but otherwise I made it.

Point well taken; I won't waste my time on the awful-tasting stuff. Sleep, water, etc. are probably still the best bet.


Missed breakfast because I forgot about Daylight Savings Time and barely got in a shower before church!
12:00 pm 2 crepes w/sliced bananas, 12 oz OJ, coffee
4:40 pm Clasen cinnamon roll
5:15 pm Enchilada (leftover), 12 oz light vanilla soy milk


3:20-4:10 (Brutal) Ballet Conditioning DVD

08 March 2008

Sat 8 Mar

Well, Michael wants to go to Hannah's brother's hockey tournament in Antigo, so I guess he won't be coming with us. Hopefully you'll get to see him at Easter. As I said before, we'll leave after we nourish ourselves following Pilates and step. I'll probably give you a call when we hit the road so you'll know when to expect us.


8:00 am Millville hot wheat cereal, 1 tsp brown sugar, 2 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 grapefruit
1:00 pm Strawberry/banana soy shake, medium sliced banana in 2 oz light vanilla soy milk, York peppermint pattie
5:45 pm Bowl miso soup, 5 pc sushi rolls, 1 piece egg/scallop sushi, green tea
7:15 pm Grocery store samples (fruit, cheese, dips)


10:10-11:20 Pilates
11:30-12:10 Step
12:10-12:25 Stretches

07 March 2008

Fri 7 Mar

One more day of conferencing, though I have a 2 pm staffing in the neighborhood of the Holiday Inn immediately after the conference sessions are done.

I was glad I got home between the afternoon reception with coconut shrimp to hit the treadmill before the evening speaker. I felt a little less guilty for everything I put in my mouth yesterday. Gotta be more judicious today.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. We have Pilates at 10:30, and if we do step, we might not be out much before 1 pm. We'll need to change clothes and grab a little nourishment before hitting the road. Not sure if we can convince Michael to come too.


7:00 am Coffee
7:45 am 1/2 c scrambled eggs w/1 tbl salsa, 1 slice bacon (oops! forgot it was Friday!), regular-sized blueberry muffin, coffee
12:00 pm Whole-wheat pita w/veggies & black beans, banana, pickle spear, craisin/oatmeal cookie, Diet Coke, 1 York peppermint pattie
6:15 pm 3.5 oz tortilla-crusted tilapia, small baked gold potato w/2 tsp margarine, 1 tbl light sour cream, 1 c asparagus, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk


4:10-5:00 pm Ball/band DVD, level B

06 March 2008


Got to the grocery store last night with Keaton before we went rock climbing, so I've got food!! I'll still want to go on Saturday but I'll need less. I think the perpetual not-feeling-good might also be due to a slight lactose intolerance? I hadn't had real milk for a while, and then all of a sudden this week I've had large bottles for lunch and cottage cheese.

Rock climbing last night was also amazing. I don't feel bad at all for not getting my research done... okay yes I do, but I wouldn't have gotten any done had I stayed home anyway.

Food today:
8:10a - 2 Shredded wheat biscuits and light vanilla soy milk, orange
11:30a - green pepper, Clif bar
12:30p - 80 cal yogurt cup w/ 1 scoop of whey protein powder
1:30p - Clif bar
3:30p - Clif bar
6:45p - Turkey&pepper jack on bun, small apple, soymilk, bar

Exercise today:
9:00-9:10a - Bike to campus (roads are clearer now!)

Thurs 6 Feb

I have a 2-day Assistive Technology conference at St Pt Holiday Inn today and tomorrow. Fasting labs today, so I won't feel guilty partaking of the conference breakfast goodies, not having eaten at home. But I'm not likely to move too much and will probably eat things that aren't the best, oh well. BTW, scale was down a bit again today. Won't weigh again now til next week.

Wow, good food for a conference. Can't say if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it was just presented at meals without snacks at breaks, so I guess it was good. And it was real food, not just sweets or junk.


7:45 am 3/4 c scrambled eggs w/1 tbl salsa, 2 strips bacon, 1/2 c shredded potatoes w/melted swiss cheese on top, regular-sized blueberry muffin, about a cup combined sliced pineapple and melons, coffee
11:45 am 1 c pasta w/3/4 c meat sauce, 1 c salad, 1 breadstick, 12 oz 2% milk, herbal tea
2:00 pm 1 Hershey kiss
3:00 pm 2 Reese's miniatures
4:00 pm 2 large coconut-breaded shrimp w/orange marmalade sauce, 1" piece of veggie wrap sandwich, about 1/2 c sliced pineapple and melon, 1/4 raw broccoli
5:30 pm 1 York peppermint pattie

5:40-6:10 pm Treadmill

05 March 2008


I'm still not feeling great but I think it's more due to the fact that I don't have much in the way of good food around right now - lots of pasta and cereal and frozen pizzas, but very little produce. People never tell me when they're going to the grocery store, and it's really obnoxious. I can't make myself shell out $10 for a bag of oranges at Cap Center every week.

I'm not out of dried apricots, but I've gotten to the point where I can't eat more than a serving (like 5 of them) at a time or I feel sicker than before I ate them. Don't have any raisins or anything to balance it out, either.

Food today:
7:40a - 2 Weetabix and light vanilla soy milk
10:00a - 2.5 servings fruit snacks (yes, I'm craving fruit that much)
12:15p - Deli lunch: turkey&cheddar on roll, banana, 2 cookies, milk
3:30p - Orange, bowl Healthy Choice chicken soup
10:30p - 20oz LifeWater, Clif bar

Exercise today:
8:15-8:30a - Bike to campus
3:15-3:30p - Bike home (not feeling all that well)
8:45-10:00p - Indoor rock climbing

Wed 5 Mar

Hope you're feeling okay - last word was that you were feeling lousy. Did you succumb to one of the rampant viruses?

I feel like an exercise freak in that we had Pilates and step last night while I was still sore from last time. But we only have one more opportunity before he takes off for who-knows-how-long again so I gotta bite the bullet. Coworker exercise tonight should seem like a piece of cake.

Thurs and Fri I have a conference at the Holiday Inn in Point, so I'll probably wish I could move around more.

Hopefully all will work out that we can come down Saturday and you can load up at the grocery store on good fruit. Are you out of the dried apricots, et al?


7:00 am 3/4 c Vanilla Nut cereal w/4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 grapefruit (still no coffee)
11:45 am Strawberry/banana soy shake, medium banana sliced in 2 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1 scrambled egg
3:25 pm .5 oz M&Ms
5:45 pm 3 oz leftover chicken, 2 slices 45 cal bread, 1 pear, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk


4:45-5:40 pm Power shaping DVD (with coworkers)

04 March 2008

Tues 4 Mar

Scale dipped down today, past the 10% of original body weight point. On to the next goal! And Pilates tonight.

Coffeemaker died. Dad's in withdrawal.

Had a snacky afternoon; must be my reaction to a coffee-free morning.


7:00 am 1/2 c GingerZing granola, 6 oz homemade yogurt, 1/2 grapefruit
12:15 pm Chocolate soy shake, med banana sliced in 2 oz light vanilla soy milk
2:00 pm Mint pattie
3:00 pm Ghirardelli square
3:30 pm Banana split granola bite
5:00 pm Quinoa/black bean salad, toasted English muffin w/ 2 tsp margarine, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk


6:30-7:50 pm Pilates
8:00-8:45 pm Step
8:45-8:55 pm Stretches

03 March 2008


I feel like absolute crap today, don't know why.

Food today:
7:40a - 2 Weetabix biscuits, light vanilla soy milk
12:30p - Cousins turkey sub on wheat, light mayo
1:45p - mint-frosted brownie
3:40p - 80 cal yogurt cup

Exercise today:
8:15-8:30a - Bike to campus

Mon 3 Mar

Here we go Monday, whoop! A few things going on this week: Newman mission tonight, Pilates tomorrow, usual Wed activities, Pilates and maybe a Madison visit Saturday. And temps not quite so low. Guess the week looks okay.

Hopefully you aren't catching one of the myriad bugs going around. Drink lots of water, and if you can get some, try Zicam. It's a homeopathic zinc product to boost the immune system and it helped me.

Went with a coworker to the Portage Co Business Expo and collected a whole bag of freebies & noshed for dinner.

7:00 am 1/2 c Trail Mix cereal, 4 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee
11:30 am Med banana w/2 oz light vanilla soy milk, chocolate soy shake
3:30 pm 90 cal dark chocolate cherry granola bar
5:30 pm 3 sample slices gourmet pizza ( 1 tomato basil, 2 salmon w/dilled cream cheese -yum!), 1/2 c glazed pecans & other nuts, 2 1" slices shrimp spring roll, 2 oz cheese, 1 chunk each of pineapple & honeydew in chocolate fountain, 9 oz Point Eisbock
9:00 pm 1/4 c pretzels

02 March 2008


As of right now, I don't think I have anything going on next Saturday. I'll let you know though.

Food today:
9:00a - 2 Kashi waffles with organic maple syrup
12:00p - orange
1:30p - baby spinach, feta, raisins, vinaigrette
3:30p - cheerios and light vanilla soy milk
6:30p - orange
7:30p - 2 slices Ian's pizza (1 portabella, 1 tomato)

Sun 2 Mar

Hope you had a good trip to visit Jenna yesterday - at least the weather was nice for a change. Supposed to hit 40 today! Do you know yet whether you'll be free next Saturday afternoon/evening if we would drive down for dinner and grocery shopping?

I plan to attempt the Brutal Ballet DVD now in spite of the fact that my thighs are screaming from step yesterday. I made Michael and his friend promise to close their ears to anything they might hear in the attempt. Made it, didn't even swear. Only skimped on the last 16 change-mas (or however you spell them).

Just a comment on your food, at least for the last week or so. It all looks very healthy, but you're not getting much protein. You should enter your diet into SparkPeople for a few days and see exactly how much protein you are or aren't getting. If nothing else, drink an extra 12 oz glass of soy milk once or twice a day. I don't think it's a good idea to skimp on protein for a long time.

Made your quinoa salad for supper - nummers! Wish I could share some with you.


8:00 am Strawberry/banana soy shake, 1/2 grapefruit, 1/2 piece chocolate chip kringle
12:00 pm 2 crepes, 2 tbl chopped pecans, 1/2 c sliced bananas, 12 oz OJ, coffee
2:45 pm 2 small bites ice cream
5:30 pm 1 serving quinoa/black bean salad, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk
8:45 pm 6 oz homemade yogurt (I was a little low on protein today, too)


3:15-4:00 pm Brutal ballet DVD

01 March 2008

Sat 1 Mar

May March have at least a week of warm springlike weather! Please!!!


8:15 am 1/2 c GingerZing granola, 1/2 c homemade yogurt, 1/2 grapefruit
1:00 pm Vanilla soy shake, 1/2 c grapes, 1/2 piece chocolate chip kringle
2:50 pm Reese's Peanut Butter Tree
6:30 pm 100 g hamburger, bun, 1 tsp ketchup, container strawberry applesauce, 12 oz light vanilla soy milk, 1/2 brownie


10:00-11:00 am Pilates
11:15-12:00 pm Step
12:00-12:20 pm Stretches